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“Help!": How to get back on track when you drift off course

It was a little bit embarrassing and we didn’t intend for it to happen. But as we drifted further and further from the boat, there’s was no other option. We needed a rescue. My friend and I had swum from the back of the boat and we were so enjoying chatting to each other that we didn’t realise we were swimming with the current. So when it came to turning around to swim back, we had no chance. The tide was deceptively relentless as it swept out of West Wittering. It meant that no matter how hard we swam, we either made no progress or drifted further away. We could make out our friends standing up and (presumably) looking anxiously back to us. The captain of the boat took charge and sent two of the guys out on paddle boards to collect us. As they reached us, the harbourmaster also motored up to let us know we were too far away from our boat. Mortifying! But we lived to tell the tale.

Have you ever overreached and found yourself needing help?

It can feel so shameful when we drift off course and need help. Often it’s just not obvious for a long time that it’s happened. We look around and it all seems ok. And when you realise that it’s not ok, it can be really hard to ask for help. Our sense of our self worth becomes so tangled up in the thing we’re trying to achieve that we get tied in knots. It feels like if we admit it’s going awry then what we’re really saying is "I am a failure". We certainly didn’t intend to ask for help and were busy convincing ourselves we could make it back. Sometimes you need to have people around you that can spot it for you and who want to support you.

Tuning in

So how do we stay on track? First we need a vision "where am I heading?" Then we need a plan "how will I get there?" And crucially we also need check point moments where we tune in and ask "am i on track?" Only then can we course correct if we need to or ask for help. We also need to be able to answer "how will it be when I get there?". Otherwise the danger is we’ll just keep swimming further and further. So how about you? Can you answer those questions right now. Do any steps feel like a stumbling block?

Taking a break

I’ll be taking a break for the next two weeks so I can recharge and refocus.

Giving me a much needed chance to reflect.

I’d love to hear from you - what would you like me to offer in the future to support you in your life?

Just email me I answer all of my emails.

Laura @ Be. x

"Accepting help is its own kind of strength" - Kiera Cass


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