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6 min read
Background pleasure: Finding the orgasmic in the every-day
Find out how to be mindful and bodyful for more joy and connection

8 min read
Four Simple Acts of Happiness to Start Today: Lessons from the Potato Sack
My dawdling footsteps on the pavement were not going to stop the inevitable. I still slowed and paused, allowing my fingers to trail...

6 min read
I don’t believe in magic! How the spiritual and scientific come together in Meditation
When I was young my life was full of magic. Fairies were real. Impossible things could magically happen and so much of the world around...

10 min read
The Phone Hijack: Break the Habit and Boost Your Life
I had a problem and it felt very uncomfortable. I should have been better - at least that’s what my mind told me. You wouldn’t have...

3 min read
Playful Rebel: The surprising fertiliser to grow
I knew exactly how I wanted it to look. A mix of strong structure and soft floatiness. I’d scoured Pinterest and watched hours of...

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