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7 min read

10 min read
The Phone Hijack: Break the Habit and Boost Your Life
I had a problem and it felt very uncomfortable. I should have been better - at least that’s what my mind told me. You wouldn’t have...

10 min read
The Secret to Ditching Stress Overwhelm: The Power of the Pause
When I was growing up, my Nana was adamant that any more water in the bath than the height of your hand was too much. That was probably...

7 min read
Finding your Bounce: What to do when your Resilience goes missing
I once thought it would be a great idea to hike a steep hill on a hot, hot Australian day. I’m not sure quite what got into me that day...

5 min read
How to manage overwhelm: A simple 4 step reset for when it all gets too much
If only I’d remembered my PE kit it would never have happened. My mum had sent my middle brother (I’m one of 5 siblings!) to collect it...

4 min read
The Mindful Way to end lockdown
When my dad was growing up he was desperate to join the police. He was bought up in North Yorkshire at a time when the school system...

3 min read
Dogs,Bodies and Breathing: How to access a mindful life
My dog is ridiculously clever and also unbelievably foolish! I'll give you some examples. She can break out of my house in a heartbeat: ...

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