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6 min read
Lessons from the sun lounger: 3 things my summer of slowing down taught me
I have an itch. It’s aggravated by beads of sweat dripping slowly down my back. A fly starts buzzing near my ear, drifting close and...

7 min read

8 min read
Redefining balance in Mid life: lessons from the see saw
My legs dangle on either side of the seat and my hands grip tightly to the handle in front of me. I can smell sun-baked metal and freshly...

10 min read
The Phone Hijack: Break the Habit and Boost Your Life
I had a problem and it felt very uncomfortable. I should have been better - at least that’s what my mind told me. You wouldn’t have...

7 min read
Finding your Bounce: What to do when your Resilience goes missing
I once thought it would be a great idea to hike a steep hill on a hot, hot Australian day. I’m not sure quite what got into me that day...

5 min read
The Autumn Striptease: 3 playful tips for the season change
There’s one road that I drive on every few months that always distracts me. It’s in a deep valley and the landscape expands outwards in...

4 min read
“Good Morning Beautiful!”: 4 ways to tip the odds in your favour
It was early, early morning and we were driving on the wrong side of the road. (Well technically it wasn’t the wrong side as we were...

4 min read
How to be ready for Life after Lockdown: Choose your own lane
As cars impatiently queued up behind me on country lanes, I was always struck by how fast and reckless the driving was in this country. ...

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