This is where you can find out the nuts and bolts of the Be.More coaching programme.
Be.Coaching is about more than learning to meditate. It's about changing your life.
Whether you choose to work with me 1:1 or as part of the Be.More Membership Community, you will find your way to more calm, more space and a better life.

What is the Be.More Programme?
The signature Be.More programme is a 7-step process designed to transform how you experience your life for increased focus, less stress and more joy.
In this comprehensive process, you'll learn techniques and skills that will work in your actual life – the one with lots of overwhelm and not enough time. 
“Before Laura meditation was confusing, complicated and a chore. Over the course of her Be.More Program not only did the confusion disappear, but she also taught me how simple it actually is to change my life”
- Abigail, Be.More Client
You can read about each of the 7 modules here

You’re bombarded with wellness information every day.
 There's so much out there to read, consume, watch. 
The truth is, it's not about finding more time. It's about changing your relationship to the time you have. 
Just imagine being able to manage your thoughts so they no longer control you. Freedom to be who you really are with renewed purpose, energy and focus.
It truly is a little bit of magic - and it's waiting just behind your closed eyes!
Just like learning a sport or any other skill, having a coach will fast track your progress and enable you to make it happen.
At Be., we empower you to use meditation to connect with a deeper sense of yourself, to redefine what happiness looks like and to change your relationship with your thoughts so that you can experience your life in a new, positive and inspiring way – no matter what that life throws at you.
“I needed something in my toolkit to help me manage stress. Since starting meditation with Laura, I have begun to create more space in my head and have found myself much more capable of managing stress.”
- Richard, Be.More Client

Find out what each session of Be.More involves.