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6 min read
Lessons from the sun lounger: 3 things my summer of slowing down taught me
I have an itch. It’s aggravated by beads of sweat dripping slowly down my back. A fly starts buzzing near my ear, drifting close and...

10 min read
The Phone Hijack: Break the Habit and Boost Your Life
I had a problem and it felt very uncomfortable. I should have been better - at least that’s what my mind told me. You wouldn’t have...

10 min read
The Secret to Ditching Stress Overwhelm: The Power of the Pause
When I was growing up, my Nana was adamant that any more water in the bath than the height of your hand was too much. That was probably...

7 min read
Finding your Bounce: What to do when your Resilience goes missing
I once thought it would be a great idea to hike a steep hill on a hot, hot Australian day. I’m not sure quite what got into me that day...

4 min read
3 Steps to Escape Burnout: How to take action before it’s too late
I was vaguely aware of the cold, hard tiles of the bathroom floor against my cheek. My sweat encrusted hair falling down over my face. ...

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