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'Get Started Now!' Meditation

Mini Course

for just £7

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Have you ever....

Found yourself

reaching the end of the day feeling like a coiled spring?

Realised you

can't unwind when you get to "downtime" because it feels like the pressure of each day doesn't let up?


that somewhere along the line, everyone else's cup got filled but yours?

I know,

it’s exhausting and relentless when life feels this way.  


I also know you don't need me to give you another "thing" to add to your already bulging "to do" list.   (And that if I suggest you find 15 minutes to sit on a cushion and calm your thoughts, that coiled spring might just want to jump out and slap me!)

Instead, I’d like to offer you this:


The 'Get Started Now!' Meditation Mini Course will have you meditating with ease, in less than 20 minutes.


The good news is that research shows that even one minute of meditation counts and will make a difference to how your body and mind handle stress – what a relief for those of us who don’t have time to meditate for an hour before the kids get up or fit in 90 minutes of yoga before dinner.


Image by Anthony Tran

Are YOU Ready to experience daily moments of calm, no matter what life throws at YOU?


"I can't think of a single person I know who wouldn't benefit from this course"


Jo, Founder, Event Smith

'Get Started Now!' will likely be your thing if you’d like:


the leap from the frantic pace of life to relaxation much more easily when you finally get to "me time".


goodbye to restless nights feeling unable to switch your mind off, phew.


more in control and able to find calm in your day, every day - no matter what life throws at you – and without turning into a monk or yogi to achieve it.

What you'll learn:

Practical tips to get started so you can quit the guesswork and know it's working 

4 ways that meditation is easier than you think so you can find what works for you

The perfect posture for effortless meditation, anytime and anywhere

How to make it happen in a busy life, without missing a beat or losing your edge

What to do when your busy mind won't stop thinking (so you can finally get some peace)

Video and audio guided practices so you can get started RIGHT NOW

You know

you want to...

Imagine knowing you have a simple way to find calm and clarity in your day.  


These are all techniques I use every single day in my own life as a busy Mum of 2 and business owner, even when life is so busy I feel like I don't have any time.


I know first-hand that they work!

When you sign up, you'll receive instant access so you can get started straight away.


Let's 'Get Started Now'!


Image by Fernando Brasil

Are you Ready to experience daily calm, 


no matter what life throws at you


for just £7?


'Get Started Now'

Meditation Mini Course

for just




(It's Mini but Mighty!)


“I wanted a modern day approach to meditation and this was exactly what I got! Thank you Laura!”


Julie, Business Owner, High Performance Development

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